Sunday 8 February 2009's my time!

so i'm starting to get the hang of this like bugger *you're not that complicated are you* i customized it in my own special way..IT'S ALL PURPLE (: because everyone knows it's THE best colour, yup.. my mum tells me how, when i was younger of course, i would go round wearing everything purple, from panties to hair bobbles..sweet not? i still have the odd purple trait about myself today, my nails are a deep royal purple..loverly i think (:

Oh dear..i believe the lord andrew lloyd weber to be going down may or may not have experienced 'Your country needs you' the (insert shitty word of choice) talent show that chose a talentless diva-wannabe to represent england in wonder we come in last place (or nearest to last without being last) every year!! That and also the fact that every other european country seems to hate us.. :/ i think we're a nice, sweet little country.. Britain all the way!! (: the song he's wrote 'It's my time' seems like a pretty good song..for a musical! Which is appropriate for Webber but not for eurovision..and Jade! well, she actually murdered it! and when she won..OMG! how pathetic can you honestly get..when people win they almost always hold it together to sing the song at the end but oh dear! she sounded dreadful!!

Saturday Night Takeaway is BAAACKKK!! i want my very own ant and dec for my pocket (: portable laughs..pop pop!! as for another rockin' Telly show atm..Dancing on Ice! I would love to be a Z-lister just so I could go on this.. all the sparkles are not me though..I'm quite a dull girly things in my life..may be time for a change me thinks! Allow my gender to take over lol

Tonight i'm going to treat myself to three dvds from the Daily Mail range. it's nice that they give out freebies..and stick in the odd smasher! Pride and Prejudice is on the list, also 'First Do No Harm' i think this has Meryl Streep in it. I like Meryl Streep I do (: so my dvd player will be nicely heated my the end of it on tonight's 'to do' list however is the dishes. I think my mother should invest in a dishwasher, not me, a real the machine kind. I hate a saturday..i'm a pot-washer at work then i come home and there are even more to wash.. :/ life isn't fair..

I'll be setting myself a target of two posts per week so i can make an attempt at topping up on writing skills, which i most certainly need to do if i want to pass my AS english lit..I'm failing miserably at the moment..but i've found myself a scapegoat in the form of my 'first half of the week' teacher, Rhona George..and she will kindly take the blame because it's evident that she will not be changing her ways anytime in the near future..or late future, she really is like deatch warmed up..without the warmth, which means she would just be death, but she is alive..maybe? good OLD Rozza G! so this concludes my weeks posts..have a pleasant nights sleep guys and dolls..

1 comment:

  1. isn't it typical we have rozza on a monday morning... as if we weren't all dead enough already.
    have you seen the bbc pride and prej before? you are in for a treat. it is my FAVOURITE film of all time (if you can call a tv series a film!). colin firth is just lusssssh.
